「象徴と変転 - 十三支」は、十二支に猫を加えた十三支を東洋思想と道教的な世界観と共に、コンピューターテクノロジーと融合させた作品です。それぞれの生肖が持つ象徴性と、それがダイナミックに変転し進化する様は、デジタルネイチャーの躍動感を表現しています。古代の知恵と現代のテクノロジーが融合し、新たな未来への道を示唆します。
"Symbolism and Transformation - The Thirteen Zodiac Signs" is a work that fuses computer technology with Eastern thought and a Taoist worldview, incorporating the cat as the 13th sign in addition to the traditional twelve zodiac animals. The inherent symbolism of each zodiac animal and their dynamic transformations and evolutions represent the vibrancy of digital nature. This unique fusion of ancient wisdom and modern technology suggests a path towards a new future.
In this innovative exploration of a new digital folk art, old wooden ornaments found in homes across the country are purchased through online marketplaces, then 3D-scanned and transformed. The altered shapes are recreated by artificial intelligence and carved out by Karimoku Furniture's CNC machines, forming three-dimensional representations. Finally, craftsmen in Takayama City hand-finish the pieces, reviving them as new computer-nature-inspired temporal sculptures. The final appearance suggests a rebirth of traditional folk art, with its form metamorphosed into a novel expression.
象徴と変転 - 十三支 シリーズへのお問い合わせは、当サイトのContactページのフォームよりお問い合わせください。
For inquiries about Symbols and Transmutations - Thirteen Branches Series, please use the form on the Contact page of this site.