日下部民藝館令和5年度特別展 落合陽一『ヌル即是計算機自然:符号化された永遠, オブジェクト指向本願』 | Exhibition | 落合陽一公式ページ / Yoichi Ochiai Official Portfolio      
Yoichi Ochiai


日下部民藝館令和5年度特別展 落合陽一『ヌル即是計算機自然:符号化された永遠, オブジェクト指向本願』

Digital Nature, Existence from null to null: Encoded Eternity, Object-Oriented Primal Vow

ヌル即是計算機自然:符号化された永遠, オブジェクト指向本願 のキービジュアル

Artist Statement


Digital Nature, Existence from null to null: Encoded Eternity, Object-Oriented Primal Vow is an exhibition that relives Yoichi Ochiai’s artistic and philosophical exploration of Digital Nature.
Ochiai has been redefining the conceptual description of media art since early in his career (books: The Century of Magic, etc.), exploring the boundary between material (tangible objects) and immaterial (objects in the form of images and realities), and the landscape woven by Shingon Esoteric Buddhism and object-oriented world description.
The entirety of Ochiai’s work, inspired by Takayama’s Homei-Tai, encompasses the Digital Nature, his unique Sehnsucht nach Masse and Dadaism, the genealogies of media art and video art in contemporary art history, and ”phantom resonance” his interpretation of AI such as LLM and diffusion models.
The installation, which will be presented at the site-specific Kusakabe Mingeikan, is based on the Mingei philosophy of Yanagi Muneyoshi, and pursues a unique beauty from the leap of contemporary computational progress.
Ochiai's perspective explores the recursive generative process of Digital Nature, aiming for an automatic implementation of the mandala-like world description of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, and the benevolence of Buddha (Object-Oriented Primal Vow) through an object-oriented world description.
On this journey, materiality and digitality merge, and in the joy of life, Dadaism and dance music (or, as Ochiai calls it, “music of worms”: a metaphor for the return to tactile musicality of data that transcends the visual and auditory senses) intersect with the East Asian mythological system that shows the mythological connection between Saru-Tora-Hebi (Monkey-Tiger-Snake) and Nue in Gifu Prefecture. A new phase of Digital Nature begins to unfold.
The infinite development of material and immaterial eventually reaches “null” an Ochiai-like computational Sanskrit word expression of “empty”.
This “null” is a compression of the void, color, and emptiness, and encompasses the possible world as a symbol of encoded eternity.
Starting with this exhibition, Ochiai’s new exploration of Discord Nature, born out of his dense logical contemplation and artistic leaps, is a fusion of the humanities, computer science, ecology, and the arts. Object-oriented Bodhisattvas, Mingei, Digital Nature, and the new Shingon universe that shows sustainability will give irreversible changes to the viewer’s consciousness objects.

一般 1500円
高大生 1000円
小中学生 500円
30 名様以上の団体割引
公益財団法人 日下部民芸館
機材提供/技術協力:株式会社セイビ堂(LED vision)
協力:仲田順英(総本山醍醐寺・執行 真言宗醍醐派総務部長)
作品制作協力:伊藤慎次郎(木工家)/ 村瀬恭平(彫刻家)/ 山内宏俊(あま木工所)
3D制作:鈴木 優貴 / 宮田 英之 / 山本 翁
技術協力:佃 優河
展示制作協力:山際悠輔(kenku)/ 寺田鵬弘 / 岩坂大 / 柿崎建築
映像記録:坂本立羽 / 高嶋浩
助成:令和5年度日本博2.0(補助型)(独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会/文化庁) / 高山市
Web Site