帰納曼荼羅考 Ⅱ | Art | 落合陽一公式ページ / Yoichi Ochiai Official Portfolio      
Yoichi Ochiai

帰納曼荼羅考 Ⅱ

Mixed Media, Video


キービジュアル キービジュアル

帰納曼荼羅考 Ⅱ
Recursive Reality: A Mandala of Infinite Loops II

Exhibited at
落合陽一「ヌル即是計算機自然:符号化された永遠, オブジェクト指向本願」2023年, 展示風景:日下部民藝館
機材提供 / 技術協力


This series presents the concept of Inductive Mandala, a three-dimensional representation embodying repetition and reflexivity through infinite loops. It explores the intersection of various elements such as computer science, AI, traditional mandalas, and object-oriented programming, all beautifully infused within a high-luminance LED infinity mirror structure.

The Inductive Mandala, based on self-reference and recursive structures, depicts the foundational concepts of computation, such as dynamic balance and infinite regression, to reconstruct our perspective on the world we live in. Through its spatial and integrative expressions, viewers can perceive the diverse, complex, and beautiful world of computation.


帰納曼荼羅考 Ⅱへのお問い合わせは、当サイトのContactページのフォームよりお問い合わせください。

For inquiries about Recursive Reality: A Mandala of Infinite Loops II, please use the form on the Contact page of this site.