落合陽一「昼夜の相代も神仏:鮨ヌル∴鰻ドラゴン」がBAG-Brillia Art Gallery-にて開催されます。(2024年9月7日-10月27日)
Yoichi Ochiai's solo exhibition, "Divine Duality: Sushi, Null, and the Eel Dragon in Edo's Cyclical Time and Space" will be held at BAG-Brillia Art Gallery-. (Sep.7-Oct.27, 2024)
Yoichi Ochiai's new art installation "Liquid Universe: the Copernican Revolution of the Sunflower Umwelt" will be exhibited at "Harmony with Nature". (Aug. 2-18, 2024)
落合陽一の作品「オブジェクト指向菩薩」が「開創1150年記念 醍醐寺 国宝展」にて展示されます。(2024年7月24日 – 8月22日)
Yoichi Ochiai's art installation "The Object-Oriented Bodhisattva" will be exhibited at "Celebrating the 1150th anniversary of the Founding of Daigoji Temple and its National Treasures". (Jul. 24 - Aug. 22, 2024)
© Yoichi Ochiai
2017, 2024, 2010