幽体共鳴する空性の桜 | Art | 落合陽一公式ページ / Yoichi Ochiai Official Portfolio      
Yoichi Ochiai

幽体共鳴する空性の桜 - Phantom Resonance of nulled cherry blossoms -

Mixed Media, Video


キービジュアル キービジュアル

- Phantom Resonance of nulled cherry blossoms -

Exhibited at
落合陽一「幽体共鳴する空性の桜 - Phantom Resonance of nulled cherry blossoms -」, 2024年, 展示風景:Shibuya Sakura Stage
機材提供 / 技術協力


His youth passes in an instant, and he reaches an old age with gray hair. People's activities do not change from day to day, but time passes and life is like a dream. The massless cherry blossoms in computer nature also move back and forth between the massy cherry blossoms, and in this coming and going, people's lives and activities continue to be linked. This work transforms the environment and the infinite reflection LED mirror in real time using generative AI, and depicts the resonant appearance of cherry blossoms in computer nature.



For inquiries about Phantom Resonance of nulled Cherry Blossoms, please use the form on the Contact page of this site.