オブジェクト指向菩薩図 ♯1 | Art | 落合陽一公式ページ / Yoichi Ochiai Official Portfolio      
Yoichi Ochiai

オブジェクト指向菩薩図 ♯1

Platinum Palladium Print


オブジェクト指向菩薩図 ♯1のキービジュアル オブジェクト指向菩薩図 ♯1のキービジュアル

オブジェクト指向菩薩図 ♯1
Icono-Photography of the Object-Oriented Bodhisattva ♯1

Yoichi Ochiai



Object-Oriented Bodhisattva is the result of Yoichi Ochiai's unique artistic perspective, centered on the concept of "object-orientation," which he newly explores in "Digital Nature."

Moving freely between the digital world and the natural world, "Object-Oriented Bodhisattva" provides a new perspective for understanding nature and life in its entirety. It is depicted as a counterpart to Dainichi Nyorai at the center of the mandala, an object-oriented being who defines and functions all things in relation to Dainichi Nyorai, who pervades all things. Attached to the head of the object-oriented bodhisattva is a sphere-type face that resembles a mani wheel. Structured according to the object-oriented concept, the Bodhisattva connects the material and immaterial worlds, transcending diverse computational methods and existences to bring harmony. Object-oriented Bodhisattvas play a role in spreading the wisdom and compassion of computational nature in the digital nature and help people open their hearts. The 2D was created from the text data of the prompt, the 3D data was produced, the shape was dug by Karimoku CNC, and the finish wood carving was done by Hida craftsman Mr. Ito.

This work is a platinum print of the object-oriented bodhisattva.


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For inquiries about Icono-Photography of the Object-Oriented Bodhisattva ♯1, please use the form on the Contact page of this site.