ファントムレゾナンス:民藝とオブジェクト指向哲学 | Art | 落合陽一公式ページ / Yoichi Ochiai Official Portfolio      
Yoichi Ochiai


Mixed Media


キービジュアル キービジュアル

Phantom Resonance: Folk Art and Object-Oriented Philosophy in the Digital Nature

Exhibited at
落合陽一「ヌル即是計算機自然:符号化された永遠, オブジェクト指向本願」2023年, 展示風景:日下部民藝館
黒電話, PC, 大規模言語モデル, 生成AI


In the realm where the concrete and abstract, technology and folk art intertwine, "Phantom Resonance: Folk Art and Object-Oriented Philosophy" reimagines the nostalgic symbol of the black telephone as a medium of transcendent resonance across space and time. This artwork evokes a multidimensional resonance where the past and present, material and immaterial, human and computational nature intersect through the lens of the black telephone. Embodying the spirit of the object-oriented bodhisattva, it seeks to engage in dialogue based on the inherent memories within each object and the collective memories of people from the past, ultimately reviving the essence of folk art in the digital context.



For inquiries about Phantom Resonance: Folk Art and Object-Oriented Philosophy in the Digital Nature, please use the form on the Contact page of this site.